December 02, 2009

Rasanya udah gak kuat... part 2

Semakin dipikir, semakin bingung. Kenapa sih orang malu untuk mengakui kesalahannya sendiri?
Kenapa sih orang ga mau mengakui kekurangan diri sendiri? Padahal, orang bodoh di dunia sekalipun tahu kalau dirinya jelas - jelas salah, tapi tetep aja ga mau mengakuinya. Segitu hebatnyakah peran 'gengsi' dalam kehidupan seseorang?
Kadang ga kuat kalo dipikirin, tapi hal ini mau ga mau, suka ga suka, harus dihadapi setiap hari. Lama - lama yah memang ga kuat. Pengen banget nanya "Sebenernya mau lo apa sih?" ... tapi kok rasanya ga sopan nanya begitu. Kesannya gue sok otoriter banget deh.
Tapi kalo dijalanin tiap hari pun, keadaan ga berubah juga, tambah parah malah iya...

November 21, 2009

Rasanya udah gak kuat...

Menjadi diri sendiri memang ga mudah. Ini terbukti dari banyaknya hambatan yang harus dihadapi ketika menjalani keseharian & rutinitas.

Hal ini akan menjadi diperparah dengan adanya orang lain sebagai pembanding. Jika kita kebetulan menggatikan posisi seseorang, dan ternyata seseorang tersebut telah memiliki image tertentu, tentulah kita tidak akan luput dari kata 'dibandingkan'.

Jika kita selalu berpikir negatif, tentu kita akan selalu merenung dan memaki diri sendiri. Namun jika kita dapat berpikir positif, kita tidak akan menyia - nyiakan waktu untuk terus meratapi diri.

Tentu saja berpikir positif tidak mudah untuk dilakukan, apalagi perlakuan yang kita dapatkan bukan merupakan perlakuan yang baik (positif). Di satu sisi, jika kita sempat berpikir mendalam, setiap hal pasti mempunyai sisi positifnya. Namun, sisi negatif itu yang justru akan terasa dan terlihat oleh kita.

To be continued...

August 15, 2009


Mempunyai memori masa lalu yang kuat terkadang melelahkan. Lelah karena kenangan masa lalu terus menerus muncul dalam pikiran. Terkadang, kenangan itu sepertinya benar - benar terasa, seakan nyata sekali.

Ingin rasanya membuang jauh - jauh semua kenangan, namun terasa sayang. Indah, namun menyakitkan. Tidak semuanya sesuai dengan angan dan harapan.

Beberapa dari kenangan itu justru membangkitkan semangat hidup, memecut keras langkah kakiku yang selama ini lemah tak berdaya. Kenangan itu mengobarkan tekadku.

Sebagian lagi ingin kukubur dalam - dalam, sedalam samudra hatiku yang tiada berujung. Untuk apa kuingat kenangan - kenangan pahit yang hanya akan memperlambat keinginanku untuk melanjutkan hidup, memperpanjang tarikan nafasku yang terasa kian berat, mempercepat denyut jantungku dan menambah emosi jiwaku.

Batin ingin berteriak untuk memusnahkan semua yang berhubungan denganmu. Ingin rasanya kurobek semua kenangan tentangmu. Ingin kucabik - cabik gambaran wajahmu di dalam benakku. Namun apa daya ... ingatan tentangmu masih terukir tajam di lubuk hatiku. Aku ingin membencimu tapi aku tak bisa ...

July 02, 2009


Berikut ini adalah rahasia bulan kelahiran November :

* Banyak memiliki ide
* Berpikiran kedepan
* Unik dan cerdas
* Ide yang luar biasa
* Pemikiran tajam
* Peramal yang hebat dan akurat
* Dapat menjadi dokter yang hebat
* Berhati-hati dan waspada
* Penuh rahasia
* Selalu ingin tahu
* Tahu cara menggali rahasia
* Selalu berpikir
* Tidak terlalu cerewat tetappi ramah
* Berani dan murah hati
* Sabar
* Keras kepala dan keras hati
* Jika ada kemauan, maka ada jalan
* Tidak mudah goyah
* Jarang marah, kecuali jika sengaja disulut
* Penyendiri
* Selalu berpikir berbeda dengan orang lain
* Berpikiran tajam
* Mampu memotivasi diri sendiri
* Tidak terlalu peduli dengan pujian
* Bersemangat
* Bertubuh kuat dan tegar
* Cintanya amat dalam

May 11, 2009


Mengapa King Kong digunakan untuk nama Kera atau Monyet Raksasa ?

Mengapa tidak digunakan nama Great Ape, King Monkey, Giant Ape, Giant Monkey atau yang lainnya ?

Menurut ahli bahasa, kata King Kong berasal dari bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Latin, yang artinya Raja Monyet. King artinya Raja (bahasa Inggris) dan Kong artinya Monyet (bahasa Latin).

Berikut adalah kata-kata yang terkait dengan Kong :

1. Kong Kali Kong : Artinya banyak Monyet ! Bayangin , Monyet dikalikan dengan Monyet !

2. Kong Res (Kongres) : Artinya Monyet Ngumpul ! Res singkatan dari Residu, sisa yang terkumpul.

3. Kong Kow :Artinya, Monyet Gaul ! Kow dari bahasa Mandarin non-formal yang artinya main, bergaul atau ngerumpi.

4. Ngong Kong : Artinya Monyet Jongkok !Ngong artinya duduk atau Jongkok dalam bahasa Sansekerta.

5. Kong Guan : Artinya Biskuit Monyet, atau Biskuit kesukaan Monyet !

6. Kong Lomerat : Artinya Kumpulan besar Monyet ! Glomerat artinya menggelinding menjadi bola yang besar.

7. Kong Si (Kongsi) : Artinya Empat Monyet pengusaha ! Si adalah bahasa Mandarin artinya empat..

8. Cu Kong : Monyet banyak duitnya ! Cu artinya banyak duit menurut bahasa Mandarin kuno yang sudah kadaluarsa.

9 . Eng Kong : Artinya Mbahnya Monyet !

10. Sing Kong : Akar umbi ngumpet dalam tanah, takut ama monyet ! Sing = singitan (bhs Jawa) = ngumpet.

11. Bo Kong : Bagian tubuh belakang monyet di bagian bawah yang kelihatan bengkak. Bo = aboh (bahasa Jawa) = bengkak.

13. Jerang Kong : Kerangka monyet ! Jerang = tulang belulang menurut bahasa antah berantah.

14. Bang Kong : Monyet bangun kesiangan ! Bang = singkatan dari bangun.

Have a positive day !

April 09, 2009

Cowok itu ...

Katanya mo ngomong jujur apa adanya ... taunya gue sering dibohongin.
Katanya akan tetep setia sama gue ... taunya gue dijauhin juga.
Katanya cewek ga bisa dipercaya? Ternyata cowok lebih ga bisa dipercaya ....

PS: except for my husband ... he is the most trustworthy person for me ...

March 14, 2009

Kids Are Quick

Scene 1:
Teacher: Maria, go to the map and find North America.
Maria : Here it is
Teacher: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
Class : Maria.

Scene 2:
Teacher: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
John : You told me to do it without using tables.

Scene 3:
Teacher: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile'?
Glenn : K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L
Teacher: No, that's wrong.
Glenn : Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.

Scene 4:
Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
Donald : H I J K L M N O.
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Donald : Yesterday, you said it's H to O.

Scene 5:
Teacher: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
Winnie : Me!

Scene 6:
Teacher: Fred, why do you always get so dirty?
Fred : Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.

Scene 7:
Teacher: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I'.
Millie : I is ...
Teacher: No, Millie ... Always say, "I am"
Millie : All right ... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

Thanks uncle Rob...

February 23, 2009

The Experiment

A professor of chemistry wanted to teach his 5th grade class a lesson about the evils of alcohol, so he produced an experiment that involved a glass of water, a glass of whiskey and two worms. “Now, class. Observe closely the worms,” said the professor putting a worm first into the water. The worm in the water writhed about, happy as a worm in water could be.

The second worm, he put into the whiskey. It writhed painfully, and quickly sank to the bottom, dead as a doornail.

“Now, what lesson can we learn from this experiment?” the professor asked.

Little Johnny, who naturally sits in back, raised his hand and wisely, responded…

“Drink whiskey and you won’t get worms!”

*hahahaha ... I like Little Johnny.

Assassin Test

The CIA had an opening for an assassin. After all of the background checks, Interviews, and testing were done there were three finalists… Two men and a woman. For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.“We must know that you will follow your instructions, no matter what the circumstances. Inside this room, you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!!!”

The man said, “You can’t be serious. I could never shoot my wife.”The agent said, “Then you’re not the right man for this job.”

The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. Then the man came out with tears in his eyes. “I tried, but I can’t kill my wife.”

The agent said, “You don’t have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.”

Finally, it was the woman’s turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one shot after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman. She wiped the sweat from her brow, and said, “This gun is loaded with blanks. I had to beat him to death with the chair.”

sorry to say ...

Have you ever felt like this before?

I thought you know me, Dear ... but sorry to say, you don't know me that much.
You don't know what makes me happy, what makes me sad, what makes me worried, what makes me angry.
You even don't know how I feel when you say things to me...

You think you know me well, my Dear ... but sorry to say, you're wrong.
You think you know what's best for me ... but sorry to say, you only know what's best for you.
You say that you love me, Dear ... but sorry to say, it's not enough.

February 22, 2009


Boy : May I hold your hand?
Girl : No, thanks. It isn't heavy.
Girl : Say you love me! Say you love me!
Boy : You love me...
Girl : Do you love me?
Boy : Yes, dear...
Girl : Then ... would you die for me?
Boy : No, dear ... mine is undying love.
Girl : If we become engaged, will you give me a ring?
Boy : Sure, what's your phone number?
Girl : Darling, I want to dance like this forever?
Boy : Don't you ever wanna improve?
Boy : I love you and I could die for you.
Girl : How soon?
Boy : I would go to the end of the world for you.
Girl : Yes, but would you stay there?!
Woman : You remind me of the sea.
Man : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
Woman : No, because you make me sick!!!!
Mary : John says I'm pretty, but Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter?
Peter : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.
Girl : I think the poorest people are the happiest.
Boy : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple in this world.

Wakidjan vs. Tukidjo

Wakidjan begitu terpesonanya dengan permainan piano Nadine.
Sambil bertepuk tangan, ia berteriak, "Not a play! Not a play!"
Nadine bengong. "Not a play?"
"Yes. Not a play. Bukan main."
Tukidjo yang menemani Wakidjan terperangah.
"Bukan main itu bukan not a play, Djan."
"Your granny (Mbahmu). Humanly I have checked my dictionary kok. (Orang saya sudah periksa di kamus kok)"
Lalu berpaling ke Nadine. “Lady, let's corner (Mojok yuk).
But don't think that are nots (Jangan berpikir yang bukan-bukan). I just want a meal together."
"Ngaco kamu, Djan," Tukidjo tambah gemes.
"Don't be surplus (Jangan berlebihan), Djo. Be wrong a little is OK toch?"
Nadine cuma senyum kecil. "I would love to, but .."
"Sorry if my friend make you not delicious (Maaf kalau teman saya bikin kamu jadi nggak enak)" sambut Wakidjan ramah.
"Different river, maybe (Lain kali barangkali). I will not be various kok (Saya nggak akan macam-macam kok)."
Setelah Nadine pergi, Wakidjan menatap Tukidjo dengan sebal.
"Disturbing aja sih, Djo. Does the language belong to your ancestor (Emang itu bahasa punya
moyang lu)?"
Tukidjo cari kalimat penutup. "Just itchy Djan, because you speak English as delicious as your
belly button." (Gatel aja, Djan, soalnya kamu ngomong Inggris seenak udelmu dewe).
Wakidjan cuman bisa merutuk dalam hati, "His name is also effort." (Namanya juga usaha).

*can't stop grinning...

A Quick Laugh

Mother : David, come here.

David : Yes, mum?
Mother : You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
David : But I will only get my report book tomorrow.
Mother : I know that. But I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now.
A mother and son were doing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the living room.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash of breaking plates, then complete silence.
The daughter turned to look at her father.

Daughter : It's mommy!
Father : How do you know?
Daughter : She didn't say anything!

February 19, 2009

A 'Love' Talk

One night ...

I had a chat with one of my girl friends, talking about guys *this is the most fave topic for girls :P

She asked me things she wants to know about guys ... how about this ... how about that ... how do I know if ... why is it like that ... how does it look when I ... How do you know whether ... *standard questions

On the other side, my boy friends also ask me questions about girls *this is also the most favorable topic for guys

They talk about love ... confusing & indescribable. They look for love. They wanna know everything about love.

All those things above make me think:
~ When you find your love ... how does it feel?
~ When you get your soul mate ... then what are you gonna do?
~ When you feel your true love ... is it the end of the conversation?

February 18, 2009

Hundredth time

Dear my baby boy,

I know you love the movie soooooooo much but I don’t think that I can make it anymore. We’ve been watching that for hundred times this month.

My baby boy … I really wanna accompany you while you are watching movies, but it seems that I don’t wanna make it become the thousand times c”,)

I just have one request: Would you please pick up another title?

*He really likes to watch Disney’s The Cars

18 years ago..

Once upon a night-time..

Mr.E says:
gw pernah dijambak dan dijewer

Mizz Cicil says:
sapa yg suka jambak lo?

Mr.E says:
sm bu lisa dijewer cambang
bu dede di jambak
sm bu lina disayang
*halahhhh haha
eh iy gw jd ingettt
gw beneran disayanggggggg
gw inget, gw disuruh apa ya yg tiap pagi itu
cek tandatangan ato buku tugas
trus bukatutup lemari dia

Mizz Cicil says:
astaga ... gue aja blank ga inget apa2

Mr.E says:
hihi suddenly i remember that
small part of what i did
hihi iya gak
kl pagi2 biasa disuruh kumpulin apa sih
tdtngn ulangan gitu ya

Mizz Cicil says:
seinget gue dulu lo 'galak' bener

Mr.E says:
galak? masa?

Mizz Cicil says:
iye ... meja pake digaris batas segala
ga boleh lewat
apaan tuh?

Mr.E says:
hah? serius? huahua

Mizz Cicil says:
ada yg msh inget loh sama kelakuan lo dulu

Mr.E says:
apa lagi ayoh crita2

Mizz Cicil says:
rada 'nyolot' juga ... (masa cowok2 galak, sih?)
ya gitu deh, kesenggol dikit, marah

Mr.E says:
ahhhhhhh lu salahhhhhhhh
bukan gw kaliiiiiiiii
bukan erwin guaaaaaaaa kan ada lagi erwin yg laennnnnnnn

Mizz Cicil says:
hahahahaha ga ngakuuuuuu
erwin yg tulisannya kaya 'rumput' itu kan cuma satu
beli penggaris panjang trs ditaro di tengah2 meja buat bates
pake ngancem "kalo lewat bates ini ... awas lo yah!!!"

Mr.E says:
lu exxxxxxxxxxageratingggg
astaga.. did i do that ?

Mizz Cicil says:
trs kl dapet ulg / PR /PS yg udah dinilai
lgs cepet2 diumpetin ke tas
takut diliat nilainya .... hahahahaha

Mr.E says:
ahhh ngibulllllllll
*in denial mode

Mizz Cicil says:
ingetan gue masih tajeeeeeem

Mr.E says:
ingetnya yang jelek2 nih
ngumpetin pr

Mizz Cicil says:

Mr.E says:
haha why did i do that..

Mizz Cicil says:
krn lo ga mau nilai lo diliat orang
apalagi yg lo anggep 'saingan'

Mr.E says:
lu ya saingan gw ?
haha oh my my.. lucunya gua duluu haha

Mizz Cicil says:
ga tau deh ... kan lo yg anggep
gue kan ga ngerasaaaa

Mr.E says:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh mau back to the past
brp taon lalu tuh ya
20 ya

Mizz Cicil says:
iya kali ... lupa...
lucu yah kl inget2 lagi
tingkah anak2 kecil suka aneh

Mr.E says:
iya sih
br brasa aneh

Mizz Cicil says:
ntar jangan cengar cengir pas pulang
inget penggaris
batas meja
umpetin kertas ulg

Mr.E says:
i still cant believe
it was me

Mizz Cicil says:
hahahaha lo inget2 lagi deh
sapa tau ada enlightenment about ur past

Mr.E says:
lu salah org kali
gw yakin lu salah orang

Mizz Cicil says:
berani jamin
*ih .. masih ga ngaku

Mr.E says:

Mizz Cicil says:
ngancemnya pake bisik2
supaya ga kedengeran guru

Mr.E says:
hah boong luu haha
hmm kayanya percakapan hr ini
boleh dimasukin blog

Mizz Cicil says:
lo masukin deh

*eh, beneran dimasukkin blog c",)

Thanks to Mr.E for the editing process

Sometimes I ...

Sometimes I don't like myself and it's making me sad
Sometimes I don't want to go to where we first met
Sometimes I don't want to remember all the things we've done
Coz sometimes when I do that I get this pain inside
And I want to run...

Run to where I'm safe from harm
Safe from all the things you've told me
Run away from all this pain
Coz you were never there to hold me

Sometimes I don't know myself and I feel surprised
About the things that I did to keep you until I realized
That you were never there for me when I needed you the most
Although I'm free ... can do what I want
I still ask myself what I've lost ...

Where were you when I needed you when I felt too bad?
Where have you been in my darkest hours when I felt so sad?
That I could not be in your arms
Sometimes I know it hurts, sometimes I feel deserted
But where were you when I needed you?
Same Old Blues ...


February 17, 2009

The Past

I often wonder what "The Past" really is.

Do I have to forget all of things happened in my past and just walk away?
Do I have to remember all those things and keep them inside my head?
Do I have to ignore and pretend that those things never existed?
Do I have to regret all those things I did and those I didn't do?
Sometimes I want to remember but I forget
Sometimes I want to forget but I remember
When I want to remember, I think I want to forget
When I want to forget, I think I want to remember

It's complicated ... or do I make it complicated?

February 10, 2009

Pleaseeee deh …

Buat yang nyetir di jalan ... pleaseeee deh ... kalo nyetir tuh matanya dipake. Jangan cuma pake nyali aja donk!

Jalan bukan punya bapak moyang lo, bisa seenak udelnya kowe… Pleaseee deh

Kalo mo belok, mbok ya lampu sen dipake donk, jangan buat pajangan doank.
Kalo mo berenti, mbok ya minggir donk, jangan berenti di tengah jalan.
Kalo mo nyalip, dari kanan donk … kalo dari kiri kan bahaya… gimana sih?!

Terus yah, kalo gue mo belok, lo jangan nyalip jalan gue donk. Ntar gue tabrak baru tau rasa loh!!!
Kalo gue mo nyalip, lo jangan ikutan nyalip gue donk, gimana sih?!

*Galak bener yah gue?

January 22, 2009

I think I need to take a break from this life. Life is not as easy as I always think. I try to think positively as usual, but sometimes I find out that life is not easy.

Memories ... are the only things that make me happy. They are precious to me. Without memories, my life would be empty.

The present ... is the only thing that makes me think. Thinking of how I will survive. Thinking of how I will arrange my life. Wondering of how my life will be.

The future ... is the only thing that can surprise me. No one can think what life will be. No one can predict the future.

Regret ... is the only thing I wanna avoid.
I don't wanna regret my life. Nor try to change what had happened to me. Although the world is not fair to me, I will try to understand why.